Friday, September 19, 2008

Anti-Aging Light Stim

I used an original Light Stim for a year and a half. I like it. I think it keeps expression lines relaxed. It relieves sinus pain and tension headaches, too. The bulbs are supposed to last 10,000 hours - somebody said that's the equivalent of eleven years.

That may be true, but I noticed when I switched to my brand new anti-aging LightStim, the one with yellow bulbs, that it feels livelier than the old one. The reasons could be anything from my imagination to the difference in all red vs red and yellow light - or I could be right in thinking that my old model was getting tired.

My only concern is that uneven application over time may have made my face uneven. The jowl on the left seems different than the one on the right. Somebody mentioned it, and now I'm self-conscious. My husband assures me that face isn't crooked - my neck is.

Monday, July 28, 2008


If you click on this, I think you can see an enlargement. I'm wearing mineral makeup, which camouflages the spots, but it did not hide the new wrinkles and does not hide the new crop of bumps. For now, I'm thrilled that my moisture balance seems to be in line again. Emu oil and sunscreen during the day are all I've been using.

When the bumps are gone, I want to get busy eliminating the brown spots. This time I'll be more conservative about the amount of rolling and light treatments.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Five Days Later

I got advice to stop everything I had been doing - potions and devices - and start applying emu oil several times a day. I did. This is how I look five days later.

The wrinkles have toned down considerably. The outrageous splotches and bumps are still there. I seem to have a bunch of pitted scars that I didn't notice earlier. Isn't that just dandy!